Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New to Blogging

Hi all! I am pretty new to this and I think I might like it:) For years I have been an avid Scary Movie watcher:) I enjoy it all from Zombies, Vampires, Frankenstein, to Deranged Lunatics and Sharks:) I have a very strong opinion of all the scary movies I watch, and I plan on sharing them. While I have no official degree in film or acting, I consider my few years of employment at the local video store to be more then enough "training". However if you disagree with anything I say, please feel free to comment! I am very respectful and realize that not everyone has the same taste in films. I only hope to offer up something that I myself am trying to find:) So, yes comment, comment away:) Especially if you can offer up some suggestions of your own! I believe that we as a scary movie fan community need to reach out and share these wonderful gems!

It should also be noted as we move forward that most of my blogs will concentrate on the independent, smaller titles. Nothing against my friend the "blockbuster", but I have found over the years that the smaller, quieter scares are worth more than all the ticket sales.

So stay tuned......

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